To be or not want to be – with someone is the question

I was wondering this morning as I completely starfish my king sized bed if there would ever be someone else. As in would there be a special person who slept here even sometimes. Then it occurred to me do I want there to be. It’s no longer will there ever be a relationship again but do I want one.

I wasn’t looking for one when I met my person of interest back in February 2021 that I have written about our four seasons time together. Having turned 60 couple weeks ago had me thinking that at 50 I was married. Had been for almost 2 years. I spent that birthday with my kids and husband. Sixty was throwing myself a party. Quite the difference 10 years makes. (It’s worth noting that husband at 50 is still a friend and was at the party). From 51 to now I have been unmarried. That is the longest stretch of time NOT married since I was 20. There are no plans and there is no reason to be married again. But coupled up with someone? Maybe.

I am not sure I was always a good married person. Too independent possibly. As I am working on a book about the four seasons I have had to explore how I got to the wanting to do relationships like POI and I did in that time. Much is coming up in that I was taught to be sure I could take care of myself by my dad in particular. I had as much re wiring to do as POI in how to approach a relationship as a functioning adult.

When I was around 40, I had a nurse educator I worked with who would come into accounts with me and work with staff. She was early 60’s, the age range I am now. I can’t remember why we had this conversation, I think it had to do with a doctor I had that she had known in another city, and how he had sexually harassed me. She was talking about him being a notorious cheater in that other city. She was divorced and at one point she said she didn’t miss being married so much as she missed sex. I was surprised by her frankness and also had a thought of “will that be me?”.

Here I am and that is me. I do miss sexual intimacy. For several years after my last divorce in 2015, I still “dated” my former husband, the wasband, as he doesn’t feel like an ex as much as someone I am still fond of but can’t be married to. That area was never our problem. I realize that part of life slows down but intimacy of the other kinds familiarity, sitting on a couch reading or watching a movie together where your hand finds the other person. Those are things I do miss. I am not sure I could live with someone again full time though. I have gotten used to my rhythm or lack there of.

So where does that leave me in the questions of to be with someone or even want to? I don’t have answers. I miss traveling with someone, having someone as the plus one, not being the 3rd or 5th wheel. I miss affection both giving and receiving. I miss the knowing of someone that you do when you are coupled and connected that is just between the two of us. All that is true and I am not making an effort to find it. I know I can’t force it. I know I am not needy and also can’t handle needy in someone else.

So will see what happens I guess? I think I am learning to be okay with the not knowing. Or not wanting to be with someone at this point. Maybe someone will surprise me. Or not.

I went into my 50s as a married woman and I enter my 60s as not. People tell me they loved their 60s even more than the 50s. Overall I had a pretty good run this past decade. For now I get to starfish my king sized bed and be just fine.

About Molly Collie aka TXTravelGirl

Native Texan raised in Austin, have lived all over the state and have come full circle back to the 512 in central Texas. I am working out the writing on the side of the real job that pays the bills. Writing that is a mix of storytelling in first person narrative, observation, humor and heart. Writers I admire are Anne Lamott, Elizabeth Gilbert, Jen Lancaster, Laurie Notaro and Jenny Lawson aka The Bloggess.
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2 Responses to To be or not want to be – with someone is the question

  1. Your refrain and hers Cowboy Junkies – Sun Comes Up, It’s Tuesday Morning (Official Video)

    one epiphany at a time, Tania


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